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Lingam Massage

Lingam Massage

The Worship of Masculinity

The Lingam is a very sensitive organ that possesses numerous reflexology points and stimulant areas that affect the whole organism. This makes a skillful Lingam massage not only very lustful but also very healing.

The Lingam massage is a ritual knows that at least 20 different stimulating moves to build up the sexual energy and spreading it over the whole body with strokes and massage in a mix of stimulation and relaxation which can lead to an intense energy flow, wavelike experiences of lust, full-body orgasms, and feelings of incredible ecstasy.

It is time that men experience these feelings of such intensity when the sexual energy is felt all over the body. A full body orgasm opens new dimensions of lust and the after-effects can last for a long time.

The Lingam is included in every sequence of the tantric massage ritual from the very beginning while vibrating energy is built up in the whole body until the Lingam massage.

An experienced orgasm during a tantric massage (which is not necessarily an ejaculation) can be of a high depth and intensity. Imagine an endlessly spreading out the ocean, rising in bigger and smaller waves, until it becomes a storm that is robbing your mind. “It is like a catapult into being: the separation from reality – the present – is eliminated, the thinker becomes still. Tantra has begun.”

Prostate Massage

The prostate gland is said to be the male equivalent to the female G-spot. The tissues of the prostate gland, and as well as the anus, are extremely sensitive, and it is these tissues that are delicately and gently stimulated during a massage.

Immediate contact with the anus and even more the prostate gland will produce an intense sensation that many men find very pleasant. Gingerly and mindfully massaging around the anus and the prostate releases further sensation and can aid in resolving a variety of sexual and reproductive issues.

The benefits of a prostate massage include a heightening sexual feeling, overcoming impotence or erectile dysfunction, and stronger ejaculation. It can have a dramatic impact on your sex life and result in sustained erections, more pleasurable orgasms, and longer sexual stamina, and relief from certain conditions unique to the prostate.

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Tantra & Lingam Massage

Enjoy this wonderful experience in a heated room with a cosy atmosphere. A LINGAM MASSAGE is naturally included in a tantric massage ritual.

In the longer massage or coaching sessions, we take time for an extended Lingam massage to explore healing, energy flow, or orgasmic techniques (like big draw) more deeply.

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